Currach: (curragh) a marshy place.
Cnocán: (croc-ann) a hillock.
Turas: (thuras) a journey.
Cásaidhe: (casaigh) a path through the bog.
Ceais: an improvised path over stream or damp ground.
Bruach: (brou nó breu) side of a potato ridge.
Flustaire: (flooster) a flatterer, applied to a dog etc. much given to fawning.
Bardóg: (bardhog) a wooden creel with collapsible bottom.
Péaghán: (peehaun) – a hoarseness
Gobán: (gubaun) a muzzle for a young calf.
Traithnín: (traneen) nothing – a straw – blade of grass
Cipín: (cipeen) a short light stick.
Meitheal: (mehell) a group of men working for a neighbour.
Brosnach: (brusnagh) light twigs of broken firewood.
Griosach: hot ashes containing small coals
Bróg: used for strong or heavy boots.
Clabar: (calabar) soft mud.
Coiseog: (cushog) head of strong rough grass.
Buachallan Buidhe: ragwort.
Ceilidhe: used to denote a friendly visit to neighbour’s house.
Sneid: (sned) part of a scythe to which the blade is attached.
Seanchus: (shanacus) fireside talk – conversation.
Prácás: (pracus) a confused mixture.
Langal: a fetter or spancel on feet of animal inclined to wander.
Cáll: a claim. Used in phrases, “He had not call to it,” “no call for it,” – “no call to do it.”
Bhealach h-Éais:
Giog-Geag: a squeak. There was neither gig nor gag out of him.
Amadán: a foolish person
Pisreóg: supersitions.
Bruth: (bruh) a halo round the moon
Duam: a fainting or weak turn
Fréit: a charm or superstition
Criogeán: to foot turf
Bráis: = a turn (at churning) a fit (of vomiting)
Margadh Mór: Christmas market.
Gearchaile: (gahala) a young girl, a short girl
Gassan: a young boy.
plástarair: a flatterer = probably from plás.
Brachán: soft porridge or gruel.
Brocach: “brocked Ned” etc. marked from small-pox.
Copan: a small wooden lid or saucer placed on lid of churn.
Cieter: left handed person
Plughaerin: coughing loudly. gasping
Guldar: a loud angry shout.
Tadhlach: (thalagh) a pain in or swelling of the wrist due to unusual hard labour.
Gob: a mouth - applied sometimes to persons.
Geab: chat or talk. “a gabby person”
Dallog: a blind put over face of animal inclined to wander.
Broc: filth or refuse, scattered fragments from bruised potatoes.
Laghach: (laghaidh) kindly.
Comhar: (core). co-operation of two neighbours, famers,
Caman: (comman) a hurley stick, usually home-made.
Cogar: whisper, whispering.
Baucaidh: to kick it out of the hands.
Spraoi: a drinking bout, also a dance at which drink is served.
Cluiche: a cluich' of cards.
Crúibín: a foot (of a pig)
Banbh: a young pig.
Póirín: (porean) a small potato.
Preada: a potato
Gradh: (grá) = liking or affection
Fáilte: welcome
Donaidhe: miserable, ill, weak
Bomannach: (bum) applied to a person given to boasting about himself, his relations, etc.
Bean-Sídhe: a fairy woman heard keening before death of members of certain families
Glár: soft mud, muddy water.
Dul: (dhull) a noose or snare used to catch rabbits
Cró: used in word ”pig crow” i.e. a house for pigs.
Foradh: (furm) a wooden seat longer and higher than a stool.
Tachran: (thaheran) = a little girl of eight or nine years.
Sleaghán: (slane) a spade used for cutting turf, “slane” turf are turf cut out with such a spade. “slane” barrow.
Scraith: (scrá / scrau) = a green sod
Scealp: (scelp) a piece, slice or splinter
Cár: a twisting of the mouth, often used as verb.
Pus: (puss) = a cross, offended look, shown by the lips
Poitín: alcoholic spirits made illicitly
Galór: plenty, enough
Geabstar: a talkative person
Puith: a forced breath when animal ill or to full etc.
Seal: a turn or spell
Crig: to break the skin through knocking it against a stone, or hard substance.
Slán-Lus: (slanlus) a weed which grows in meadows
Meascan: (mesgin) a measure applied to butter.
Seoch: (sheough) a gripe or dyke along a fence
Tuail: to endure; bear with.
Soc (sock) = a ploughshare
Bac: (boc) applied to a beam supporting the roof (common in old houses)
Brablach: (brablagh) refuse or useless rubbish.
Ceant: a sale on the street of old clothes, delph etc. Fear Ceant
Scolbh: (skollop) a rod used for binding thatch.
Agstar: the armpit.
Tráill: to gave rise to the expression
Trollop: and untidy coarse woman’ may be derived from tráill.
Stalc no Sthelc: potatoes bruised and mixed with milk.
Gamach: a soft minded, foolish person.
Griscín: a piece of meat.
Gad = a twisted rod to make handle for a basket.
Spailpín: applied to a lighthearted rascally person.
Dreoilín: applied to a pig which is not thriving as rapidly as its comrades
Bruighthín: boiled potatoes bruised and mixed with milk and butter
Colceannan: has same meaning as sthelc and brúightín
Crop: an armful of hay or straw with ends twisted, brought round and knotted together
Bacstaith: potato bread or pudding.
Bladar: foolish talk, one who talks foolishly.
Bhóitín: a pious person
Budach: a well-to-do person.
Clab: a soft-minded person.
Cistín: money left by.
Cladhp: a fairly large piece of ground, bread.
Cruit: a hump.
Cliotar: a talkative person who spreads news
Guif: back-chat, old-fashioned chat.
Gonnc: (gunc) a disappointing surprise
Maoilín: a hornless cow.
Boiteán: (batten) a small bundle of straw, etc.
Giodrog: (giodra) a flighty skittish girl.
Cladach :(clatty) dirty, miry.
Cam: a mould in which rush candles were made.
Ciodog: a small piece.