
Fíor Aibítir teanga ’s cainnt na n-Gaedheal:

Do = to / for:

Dom = for me
Duit = for you
Dó = for him
Di = for her
Dúinn = for us
Daoibh = for yous
Dóibh = for them

Le = with:

Liom = with me
Leat = with you
Leis = with him
Léi = with her
Linn = with us
Libh = with yous
Leo = with them

Ag = at:

Agam = at me
Agat = at you
Aige = at him
Aici = at her
Againn = at us
Agaibh = at yous
Acu = at them

Ar = upon / on:

Orm = upon me
Ort = upon you
Air = upon him
Uirthi = upon her
Orainn = upon us
Oraibh = upon yous
Orthu = upon them

As = out of / off

Asam = out of me / off me
Asat = out of you / off you
As = out of him / off him
Aisti = out of her / off her
Asainn = out of us / off us
Asaibh = out of yous / off yous
Astu = out of them / off them

Ó = from:

Uaim = from me
Uait = from you
Uaidh = from him
Uaithi = from her
Uainn = from us
Uaibh = from yous
Uathu = from them

De = of:

Díom = of me
Díot = of you
De = of him
Di = of her
Dínn = of us
Díbh = of yous
Díobh = of them

Thar = Across:

Tharam = Across me
Tharat = Across you
Thairis = Across him
Thairsti = Across her
Tharainn = Across us
Tharaibh = Across yous
Tharstu = Across them

I = in:

Ionam = in me
Ionat = in you
Ann = in him
Inti = in her
Ionainn = in us
Ionaibh = in yous
Iontu = in them

Idir = Between:

Idir mé = Between me
Idir tú = Between you
Idir é = Between him
Idir í = Between her
Eadrainn = Between us
Eadraibh = Between yous
Eatarthu = Between them

Roimh = Before:

Romham = Before me
Romhat = Before you
Roimhe = Before him
Roimpi = Before her
Romhainn = Before us
Romhaibh = Before yous
Rompu = Before them

Chuig = Towards

Chugam = Towards me
Chugat = Towards you
Chuige = Towards him
Chuici = Towards her
Chugainn = Towards us
Chugaibh = Towards yous
Chucu = Towards them

Faoi = about / under:

Fúm = about me / under me
Fút = about you / under you
Faoi = about him / under him
Fúithi = about her / under her
Fúinn = about us / under us
Fúibh = about yous / under yous
Fúthu = about them / under them



Ceisteanna ’s Gaeilig

Cé he tusa, le do thoil? = Who are you, please?

Cé thusa, le do thoil? = Who are you please?

Cé a bhí ann? = Who was there?

Cé a raibh ann? = Who was there?

Cérbh é sin? = Who was that?

Cá raibh sé sin? = Who was that?

Cé h-iad féin? = Who are they?

Cérb iad? = Who are they?

Cé atá ina cheannaire ar fhoireann peile? = Who is the leader of the football team?

Cé atá ina chaptaen na bhfoireann peile? = Who is the captain of the football team?

Cé dó é sin? = Who is that for? / Who is for that?

Cé choinne a raibh thú ag imirt? = Against who were you playing?

Cé air a raibh sé ag labhairt? = Who was he talking about?

Cé air a raibh sé ag caint? = Who was he talking about?

Cé aige a bhí sé? = Who had it?

Cé ab fhearr? = Who was best / best?

Cé a rinne é? = Who did it? / Who made it?

Cé atá uait? = What do you want?

Cá fhad? = How long?

Cén áit? = Which place / area?

Cé a labhair leat? = Who spoke with you?

Cé acu ceann? = Which of them?

Cén acu? = which of them?

Cé acu is fearr leat? = Which of them do you prefer?

Cé againn? = Which of us? Who at us?

Cé agaibh? = Which of yous? Who at yous?

Cén aois thú? = What age at you?

Cén aois é? = What age is he?

Cén aois í? = what age is she?

Cén aois iad? = what age are they?

Cén aois mé? = what age am I?

Ar chuala thú an craic? = Did you hear the craic / fun?

Cá fhad a bhí thú ann? = How long where you there?

Cá fhad atá an turas? = How long is trip / journey?

Cad é a mhinic thú ag imirt peile? = How often do you play football?

Cén fear é? = Which man is it?

Cén bhean í? = which woman is it?

Cé againn a thosóidh? = Which at us will start?

Cá bhfuil an ghaoth? = Where is the wind?

Cá bhfuil an t-sagart? = Where is the Priest?

Cén bhean atá i gceist agat? = What woman are you in question about / talking about?

Cén seomra a bhfuil sé ann? = What room is he there?

Cé acu a fuair thú? = Which of them did you get?

Cá bhfuil (kaw wil) = where
Cad (kad) = what
Cé (key) = who
Cén fáth (keyn fah) = why
Cén uair (keyn oo-er) = what time
Cad é mar (kajey mar) = how
Cá mhéad (kaw veyd) = how many

Cad é sin? (ka-jey shin) = what is it?
Cad é mar an t-uisce? (ka-jey mar unn tish-ka) = how’s the water?
Cé hé? (key hey) = who is that?
Cén uair atá sé ag dul? (keyn oo-er ah-taw shey egg dul) = when is he going?
Cá bhfuil an leithreas (ly-er-as) (toilet)?
Cá bhfuil tacsaí ?
Cá bhfuil bus (bus)?
Cá bhfuil bialann (bee-ah-lin) (restaurant)?
Cá bhfuil óstlann (ost-lin) (hotel)?
Cá bhfuil an banc (bank)?
Cá mhéad é? (kaw veyd ey) = how much is it?
Cá bhfuil an bus? (where is the bus?)

Maidin mhaith [“mah-jin wy”] = good morning
Iarnóin mhaith (eer-non wy) = good afternoon
Tráthnóna mhaith (tra-no-nah wy) = good evening / good afternoon
Oíche mhaith (ee-ha wy) = good night
Cad é mar atá tú? (kah-jey mar ah-tah tou) = how are you?
Tá mé go maith (tah may go my) = I am good/fine, or just go maith = good
Go raibh maith agat (go roe my ah-gut) = thank you
Tá fáilte romhat (tah fall-cha roe-at) = you’re welcome
Is mise (iss misha)____. = my name is_____________.


Teach (cha-ic) = house
Tigh (tee) = house Lampa (lampa) = lamp
Cathaoir (ka-heer) = chair
Brat Úrlair (brat ur-laar) = carpet
Bord (bord) = table
Doras [“dor-iss” = door]
Fuinneog (fwin-yog) = window
Brat Fhuinneoga (Brat Hinn-og-ah) = curtain
Teilifís (tele-feesh) = television
Guthán (gu-haan) = telephone
Scáthán [(skaw-hawn) = mirror
Amraidh (am-rey) = cupboard
Seomra (shom-ra) = room
Balla (balla) = wall
Pictiúir (pik-toor) = picture

Oifig (iffig) = office
Cistin (kish-chin) = kitchen
Leithreas (ly-ras) = toilet
Poll (pole / poll) = toilet
Seomra Leapa (shom-ra lah-pah) = bedroom
Seomra Codladh (shom-rah cull-u) = bedroom
Seomra Teaghlaigh (shom-ra tya-lee) = living / family room
Urlár (orr-lar) = floor
Leaba (lab-ba) = bed
Tine (chinna) = fire
Garáiste (gar-ash-cha) = garage
Garraí (gar-ree) = garden
Carr (kar) = car
Rothar (roe-her) = bicycle
Gluais-rothar (glu-ish-roe-her) = motorbike

Cat (kat) = cat
Madra (mah-dra) = dog
Madadh (mah-dou) = dog
Éan (eyn) = bird
Capall (ka-pul) = horse
Each (Ae-ach) = horse
Bó (boe) = cow
Eallach (eel-ah) = cow
Mart (mart) = cow
Tarbh (tarr-u / tarr-iv) = bull
Muc (muck) = pig
Caora (kee-rah) = sheep
Sicín (shi-keen) = chicken
Gabhar (gower) = goat
Puc (puc) = male goat
Asal (as-il) = donkey
Bláth (blaw) = flower

0 a náid (a nawj)
1 a h-aon (a hain)
2 a dó (a doe)
3 a trí (a tree)
4 a ceathair (a ka-hir)
5 a cúig (a koo-ig)
6 a sé (a shey)
7 a seacht (a shakht)
8 a hocht (a hokht)
9 a naoi (a nee)
10 a deich (a jah-eye)
11 a h-aon déag (a hainn jay-eg)
12 a dó dhéag (a doe yeah-eg)
13 a trí déag (a tree yeah-eg)
14 a ceathair déag (a ka-hir jay-eg)
20 fiche (fee-ha)
21 fiche a h-aon (fee-ha a hain)
30 tríocha (troc-ha)
40 ceathracha (kaa-ra-ha)
50 caoga (k(u)ee-ga)
60 seasca (shas-ka)
70 seachtó (shakh-toe)
80 ochtó (okh-to)
90 nócha (noe-ha)
100 céad (kaid)
55 caoga a cúig (k(u)ee-ga a koo-ig)
97 nócha a seacht (nock-ah a shah-at)
315 trí céad a cúig déag (tree kaid a koo-ig jay-eg)
1000 míle (meel-ah)

Tá mé anseo. (tah mey an-sho) = I am here / I’m here Tá tú anseo. (tah too an-sho) = you are here / you’re here
Tá sé anseo (tah shey an-shaw) = he is here
Tá sí anseo (tah shee an-shaw) = she is here
Tá muid anseo (tah mudge an-shaw) = we are here
Tá sibh anseo (tah shiv an-shaw) = y’all are here.
Tá siad anseo (tah shee-ad an-shaw) = they are here

Dé Luain (jay loo-in) Monday
Dé Máirt (jay marsht) Tuesday
Dé Céadaoin (jay kay-deen) Wednesday
Déardaoin (jer-deen) Thursday
Dé h-Aoine (jey heena) Friday
Dé Sathairn (jey sahern) Saturday
Dé Domhnaigh (jey downee) Sunday

Maidin (ma-jin) morning
Iarnóin (eer-non) afternoon
Tráthnóna (traw-nona) early evening
Oíche (ee-ha) night

Cad é an lá é, an lá inniu? (kah-jey unn la ey, un law in-yu) What day is it, today?
Cad é an lá é, an lá amárach? (kah-jey unn la ey, un law ah-maw-rakh) What day is it, tomorrow?
Cad é an lá é, an lá inné? (key unn law ey, un law in-yey) What day is it, yesterday? Is maith léi tae (ess my ley-ee tey) She likes tea with her
Is maith linn do chat. [(sss my linn do khat) We like your cat.
Ní maith le mo chat do mhadra. (nee my le mo khat do wadra) My cat dislikes your dog.
Is maith leis tae, ach is fearr léi caife (es my lesh tay, ach ess farr ley-ee ka-fee) He likes tea, but she prefers coffee.
Is maith linn é, ach ní maith le do mháthair é (ess my linn ea, ach nee my lay dough wha-her ea) We like him, but your mother doesn’t like him.

An carr dubh (unn car doov) The black car
An madra maith (unn mad-ra my) The good dog
An fear fada (unn far fada) The long / tall man
An sneachta fuar (unn shnakh-ta fooer) The cold snow An bhó bhán (unn vo van) The white cow
An bhean mhór (unn ban wor) The big woman

Cad é mar an aimsir? (ka-jey mar unn aim-shir) How is the weather? An aimsir dhona([unn aim-shir hona) The lousy / bad weather
Tá sé go breá ann. (tah shey g bra aun) It’s fine out there.
Tá sé go measartha ann (tah shey go mas-ra aun) It’s middling out there.
Tá sé fliuch ann (tah shey fla-ookh aun) It’s wet there
Tá sé go dona ann (tah shey go dona aun) lousy out there.
Tá sé fuar (tah shey fooer) It’s cold.
Tá sé te (tah shey chey) It’s warm.
Tá báisteach ann. (tah bawsh-cha-ach aun) There’s rain out there.
Tá sneachta ann (tah shnakh-ta aun) There’s snow out there.
Tá sé garbh (tah shey gar-iv) It’s rough out there.

Carr (kar) car
Caoin (keen) keen, lament
Citeal (kit-til) kettle
Clog (klog) clock
Cóta (koe-ta) coat

Babaí (bah-bee) baby
Baibeog (bab-og)
Báicéir (bah-ker) baker
Banc (bank) bank
Teach Airgead (cha-ach arr-e-gad) bank / house of money
Tigh Airgead (tee arr-e-gad)
Bróg (brogue) shoe
Bus (buss) bus

Maidin mhaith (mah-jin wy) = good morning
Iarnóin mhaith (eer-non wy) = good afternoon
Oíche mhaith (ee-khya wy) = good night
Oidhche mhaith (ee-ha wy)
Cad é mar atá tú? (kah-jey mar ah-tah tou) = how are you?
Tá mé go maith [“tah mey guh my) = I am good/fine, or just
Go maith (go my) = good / fine
Go raibh maith agat (go roe my ah-gutt) = thank you
Tá fáilte romhat (tah fall-cha roe-it) = you’re welcome
Tá fáilte romhaibh (tah fall-cha roe-iv) = yous are welcome
Tá fáilte romhainn (tah fall-cha roe-ann) = we are welcome
Tá fáilte rompu (tah fall-cha rom-pou) = they are welcome