Ciad: first
Dà: 2, two
Trì: 3, three
Ceathair: 4, four
Cóig: 5, five
Sia: 6, six
Seachd: 7, seven
Ochd: 8, eight
Naoi: 9, nine
A deich: 10, ten
A h-aon-diag: 11, eleven
Dà-diag: 12, twelve
Trì-diag: 13, thirteen
Ceithir-diag: 14, fourteen
Cúig-diag: 15, fifteen
Sia-diag: 16, sixteen
Seachd-diag: 17, seventeen
Ochd-diag: 18, eighteen
Naoidh-diag: 19, nineteen
Sgriach: screech
Bèal: mouth
Fèar: grass
Gun dèanadh: that would do / without doing
Cuir ’s mi: I would put
Cuir ’s tu: you would put
Cuir ’s e: he would put
Cuir ’s i: she would put
Cuir ’s inn:
Cuir ’s sinn: we would put
Cuir ’s ibh:
Cuir ’s sibh: yous would put
Cuir ’s aid: they would put
Tarsaing: across
Mar thà: already
An còmhnaidh: always
An gòmhnaidh: always
Nithean: anything (in the negative)
Cha dfhuair mi nithean bhuaidh’.
Achlais: armpit
An Aghaidh Mhòr:
An Agaidh Mhòr:
Air adhart: away
Tha e air adhart gu na monaidhean
Th’ e air adhart gu na monaidhean = he is away to the mountains / hills
Tuagh: axe
Pàist’: baby, child
Broc: badger
A’ sgeamhainn: barking
A’ sgeamhainn na madadh allaidh = barking of the dog of the wilds
A’ sgeamhainn cù = barking of the dog
A’ sgeu-ann: barking
A’ sgeu-ann a’ madadh = barking of the dog
Sabhal: barn
Feusag: beard
Seillean: bee
Seillean-srianach = bumble bee
A’ tòiseachadh: beginning
Tha e tòiseachadh gu lachanaich
Th’ e tòiseachadh gu lachanaich = he is beginning to laugh
Eun: bird
Greim: bite
Thug an cù greim asam = the dog gave a bite of me
Lon-Dubh: black bird
Gobhainn: black-smith
Go’inn: black-smith
Plangaid: blanket
Cur is cathadh: (cur ’s cau’)
Cur ’s cathadh: blizzard
Gorm: blue
Coit: boat
A’ Choit: boat of Loch Gartain
Coit a’ Ghartain: boat of Loch Gartain
Botal: bottle
Bocas: box
Bocas nam mionnan = box of the swearing
Praitseach: boy
Fraineach: bracken
Meur: branch
An diot bheag: the little meal / breakfast
Bruthais: brose
Brot: broth
Peil’: bucket
Peil’ bùrn: bucket from am bùrn / bucket of water
Tarbh: bull (taru)
Preas: bush
Preas Aiteann = common bush / Jupiter bush
Dripeil: busy
Dealan-Dè: electricity, lighting of Dia (God) / Butterfly
Putan: button (Puchtan)
Drochaid Chàrr: ainm àite
Cat: cat (Cacht)
Bratag: Caterpillar (Brachtag)
Crodh: cattle (Crou)
Cinnt’: certain
Breachcan-Beith’: Chaffinch
Sèar: chair
Seipeal: chapel
Lethcheann, Leth-Cheann: cheek
Leanu: child
Cloinn: children
Ollaig: Nodlaig, Nollaig, Nullaig – Christmas
Ollaig Chridheil: Cheerful Christmas / Merry Christmas
Eaglais: Church
Eaglais Naomh:
Eaglais Naoimh: Holy Church
Tachpaidh: Clever
Faisg: close
Faisg ris an Eaglais = close to the Church
Dùin!: Close! to close
Dùin an doras! = close the door!
Neul, Neòl: Cloud
Neòlan, Neulan: clouds
An cnatan: an tinneas (cold)
(an grachtan)
Thàin: come
Thàinig: came
Thèin: come
Thèinig: came
Cò às a thàin thu?
Cò ’s a thàin thu? = where do you come from?
Cò às a thàinig thu?
Cò ’s a thàinig thu? = where do you came from?
Cò às a thèin thu?
Cò ’s a thèin thu? = where did you come from?
Cò às a thèinig thu?
Cò ’s a thèinig thu? = where did you came from?
Trobhad!: Come! / to come (Trou’ad)
Trobhad seo! = Come here!
Socrach: comfortable (Sochcrach)
A’ bheil socrach ort? = is the comfort / comfortable upon you?
A’ bheil socrach agad? = is the comfort at you?
Rac an Ar’air:
Rac an Arbhair: Corncrake (Rachc an Ar-air)
Ceart: correct
Bò, Bó: cow
Cè, Cé: cream
Crùbach: cripple
Croit: croft (Creicht)
Crombail: ainm àite
Feannag: crow
A’ rànaich: the crying (na leanabh)
Tha am pàist’ a’ rànaich:
Th’ am pàist’ a’ rànaich:
Tha am leanabh a’ rànaich:
Th’ am leanabh a’ rànaich: the baby / child is crying
Cùp: a cup
Guilbearsnach: curlew
Mollachd: curse
Gearr, Gearradh: to cut
A’ gearradh: cutting
A’ gearr’: cutting
A’ gearradh a’ mhòin = cutting the peat / bog
A’ gearr’ a’ mhòin = cutting the bog / peat / turf
Deònag: Neòinean / Daisy
Maru, Marbh: dead (maru)
Éadail, èadail: dear, love
Theirig: to die, died
Theirig an duin’ = the man / person died
Theirig an each ann = the horse died there / Died the horse there
Diù’ras: difference
Dé an diùbhras?
Dé ’n diùbhras?
Dé ’n diù-ras? = what is the difference?
Dè ’n diù-ras?
Dè ’n diùbhras?
Dè an diùbhras? = what’s the difference?
Chan eil e gu diùbhras = there is no difference
Duilich: difficult
Tha sin duilich annseo = that is difficult here
Chan eil e gu duilich = it is not difficult
An dìot mhòr:
An diucht mhòr:
An díot mhòr: the big meal / feed – dinnear
Cù: dog
Cha lean cù cù:
Cha lean cù cú: a dog will not follow a dog
A’ dèanu:
A’ dèanamh: doing
Chan urrainn mi a’ dhèanamh:
Chan urrainn mi a’ dhèanu: Not able am I to do it
Dor’s: door
Bruadal: dream
A-bhàn: down, downwards
Tha e a’ tighinn a-bhàn an staidhir:
Th’ e a’ tighinn a-bhàn an staidhir: coming he is downwards / down the stairs
Tha e a-bhàn an staidhir:
Th’ e a-bhàn an staidhir: he is down the stairs
Chaidh e a-bhàn an rathad = went him down the road
Chaidh i a-bhàn an rathad = went her down the road
Chaidh ead a-bhàn an rathad = went them down the road
Òtrach: dungheap
Iolair: eagle
Biastag: earth-worm
Gólachan: earwig
Sìos: eastwards, to go East
Chaidh e sìos = went him east
Farast’: easy
Ag ithe:
Ag ìdh: eating
Itheas e mòran, ach nitheas i math air beagan:
Itheas e mòran, ach nìtheas i math air beagan: Eats it / him / them alot, but they are fine on little.
Beurla: cànan na Sasannaich (Beulr’)
Thaitinn: enjoy, to enjoy (Thachtinn)
An do thaitinn e riut?
An do thachtinn e riut? = Did you enjoy it before you?
A h-uile: every
A h-uile là a chì ’s nach fhaic = Every day to you
Aodann: face
Reamhar: fat (Reau’ar)
Feagal: fear
Pàirc: field
Pàirc arbhar = field of corn
Achadh Buntàt = field of prátaí
Achadh: field (Ach’)
A’ sabaid: fighting
Corrag: finger
Deis: finished
Ullamh: finished (Ullaidh)
Am beil thu deis? = are you finished?
Am beil thu h-ullamh?
Am beil thu h-ullaidh? = are finished you?
Tein’: fire – in the fire-place
ùrlar: floor
Flùr: flower
Biadh: food
Amadan: fool, idiot (am’dan)
Ceann mòr air duin’ glic, ceann cearc air amadan
Ceann mòr air duin’ glic, ceann cearc air am’dan = big head on a clever, crafty, wise man, head of a hen, chicken on the fool.
A’ call cuimhn’: to be loosing memory / forgetting
Chaill mi cuimhn’ air = Lost me the memory at it / of it
Maitheanas: Forgiveness
Thoir dhomh maitheanas = Forgiveness to me
Forc: fork
Balgair: Sionnach / fox
Cìochan na Mnà Sìth: gloves of na Sìth women / Foxgloves
An asgaidh: free
Cròigean: frog
Tiodhlacadh: tórramh / funeral (tiodhlac’)
Lios: garden
A’ tionail:
A’ teanail: gathering of na caoraich / sheep
Gheobh: get, to get (Gheo’)
Gheobh Seumas e = Seumas will get it / get him
Am fear a gheobh ainm na moch-èirigh, faodas e cadal fad:
Am fear a gheobh ainm na moch-éirigh, faodas e cadal fad: the man who gets the name for rising up early, can over-sleep.
Bòcan: ghost (Bòchcan)
Spiorad: spirit, ghost
Caileag: girl
Thug: give, gave
Dè thug thu riut? = what gave he before you? / What did he give you?
Theirig!: Go!
Theirig chun a bhùth = go to / toward the shop
Theirig a-mach = go out
Gobhar: goat (Gou’ar)
Slàn leat: goodbye with you (Slàn leacht)
A’ dol: going (A’ dul)
Tha a h-uile ni a’ dol gu craiceann nan con:
Th’ a h-uile nì a’ dol gu craiceann nan con:
Tha a h-uile nì a’ dol gu craiceann nan con: Everything is going on the skin of the dogs
A’ Bhail’ Ur:
Bail’ nan Granndach: ainm àite
Feur: grass (Fèar)
Cladh: reilig / grave-yard
Liath: grey (gruaig)
Falt: hair (a’ cionn)
Falt air mo chionn = hair on my head
Molach: hairy (Mulach)
Òrd: hammer (le dhean obair)
Làmh: hand (lau)
Geàrr Bàn a’ Mhonaidh: Short White one of the Hills / Mountains / Bogs – Hare, White no Arctic Hare
Saidh’: Hay
Eis: He
Fraoch: Heather
An seo: here (an deo)
Monadh: Hill (Mon’)
Tha mi a’ dol ris a’ mhonadh = I’m going away to the hill
Aigh: hind
A’ bualadh: hitting (a’ bual’)
Slag: hollow
Ciamar: how
Ciamar a tha thu?: how are you?
Greas!: Hurry!
Greas ort!: Hurry upon you! / Hurry up!
Deigh: ice
A-staigh: in, inside
Thig a-staigh = come in
Tha a’ chaileag a-staigh = the girl is inside
Tha a’ madadh a-staigh = the dog is inside
Tha a’ duin’ a-staigh = the man is inside
Seilisteir: Iris (Seil’steir)
Seacaid: jacket (Seachcaid)
Saor: joiner
Aiteann: Juniper (Achteann) – Craobh
Coir’: Kettle
Binid: kidney
Spitheag: kindler (le teine)
Aithnig: know, to know
An aithnig thu? = do you know?
An aithnig thu Seumas? = do you know Seumas?
An aithnig thu Siorag? = do you know Siorag?
Eòlas: knowledge (Eòl’s)
An eòlas ort mun cogadh? = do you have knowledge upon you of the war?
Uan: lamb
Fearainn: land
Dadhrachan: lapwing (eun) – Adharcan
Fadalach: late (fad’lach)
Th’ ead còmhnaidh fadalach
Tha ead còmhnaidh fadalach = they are always late
Th’ e còmhnaidh fadalach
Tha e còmhnaidh fadalach = he is always late
Th’ i còmhnaidh fadalach
Tha i còmhnaidh fadalach = she is always late
Leisgeadair: lazy person
Is leisg le leisgeadair a dhol a laigh’ ach seachd leisg leis èirigh
‘S leisg le leisgeadair a dhol a laigh’ ach seachd leisg leis èirigh = A lazy person is slow going to bed but seven times more slow is rising / getting up.
Ag ionnsachadh: learning (ag ionnsach’)
Clì: left
Do làmh chlì: your left hand
Breug: lie (bréag)
Solas: light (sol’s)
Coltach: like, to like
Tha i coltach ri a máthair
Th’ i coltach ri a máthair = she likes her mother
Tha i coltach ri a madadh
Th’ i coltach ri a madadh = she like her dog
Tha i coltach ri a h-each
Th’ i coltach ri a h-each = she likes her horse
‘S toil leam = i like with me (‘S dail leum)
‘S toil leat = you like with you (‘S dail latt)
‘S toil leis = he likes with him (‘S dail leish)
‘S toil leatha = she likes with her (‘S dail le’ha)
‘S toil leinn = we like with us (‘S dail leunn)
‘S toil leibh = yous like with yous (‘S dail libh)
‘S toil leotha = they like with them (‘S dail leo)
Snàdag: Linnet (heather)
Lip: lip (lichp)
Grinn: lovely (gling)
Cnap: lump ( crachp)
Fear: man
Theagamh: maybe, perhaps (Theagu)
Theagamh gun tig ead am máireach = maybe they’ll be here tomorrow
Theagamh bithidh mhaid saor am máireach = maybe we’ll be free tomorrow
Miadan: meadow (Méadan)
Sos: mess
Meadhan: middle (Mèan)
Cuibheasach: middling (cuidh’sach)
Chan eil mi ach cuibheasach = i’m not but middling
Meanbhchuileag: Midge (Meana-chuileag)
Bainn’: milk
Biorach: Minnow
Ag ionndraig: missing
Tha mi ag ionndraig am madadh uamhlaidh = im missing the dog terribly
Ceò: mist (ceó)
Sliabh: moor, bog (sliau)
Tuillidh: more
Madainn: morning (madain)
Màthair: mother (méathair)
Monadh: mountain (mon’)
Luch: Mouse
Beul: mouth (béal)
Mi fhìn: myself
Ainm: name
Dè an t-ainm a tha ort?
Dè ’n t-ainm a tha ort? = what is the name that is upon you?
Obar Neithich: ainm àite
Deanntag: Nettle
Coimhearsnach: neighbour
Sròn: nose (strón)
A-nis: now
A-nis gun mhall = now without delay
Nis matà = now then
Shin u a-nis = there you now / there you are now
An-dràst’ ’s a=rithist = Now agus again
Seann: old (sionn ’s sean)
Seann-duin’ a’ streap ris a’ mhonadh = an old man getting on like the mountains / hills.
Iolair-Uisg’: eagle of the water – Osprey
Dòbhran: one of the estuary – Otter (Dou’ran)
A-mach: out
A-mach leat = out with you
Tha ’n gabhar a-mach = the goat is outside
Comhach: Owl (Co’ach)
Cailleach-Oidhch’: Widow of the Night – Owl
Pioghaid-mar: Oyster-catcher
Pian: pain
Mòin’: peat, turf (Móin’)
Blàr-mòin’: peat-bog (blár-móin’)
Tusg: peat-cutter, turf-cutter
Calman: Pigeon
Chan ann dham chuideachd thu = no clann / family of mine are you
Giuthas: Pine (Craobh)
Duircean: Pine-cone (Duirchcean)
A’ cluich: playing (a’ cluidh)
Crann: plough
Pòcaid: pocket (póchcaid)
Taghan: Pole-cat
Lit’: porridge (licht’)
Buntàt: potato (Puntàt)
Pulpaid: Pulpit
Cairteal: quarter (air an uair) – (Cairsteal)
Cairteal gu h-Aon = quarter gu 1
Cairteal gu Dà
Cairteal gu Dó = quarter gu 2
Cairteal gu Trì = quarter gu 3
Cairteal gu Ceithir
Cairteal gu Ceathair = quarter gu 4
Cairteal gu Cúig
Cairteal gu Cóig = quarter gu 5
Cairteal gu Siadh = quarter gu 6
Cairteal gu Seachd = quarter gu 7
Cairteal gu h-Ochd = quarter gu 8
Cairteal gu Naoi = quarter gu 9
Cairteal gu a Deich = quarter gu 10
Cairteal gu h-Aon-diag = quarter gu 11
Cairteal gu Dà-diag = quarter gu 12
Cairteal an déidh a h-Aon = quarter after / past a 1
Cairteal an déidh Dó
Cairteal an déidh Dà = quarter after / past a 2
Cairteal an déidh Trì = quarter after / past a 3
Cairteal an déidh Ceithir
Cairteal an déidh Ceathair = quarter after / past 4
Cairteal an déidh Cúig
Cairteal an déidh Cóig = quarter after / past a 5
Cairteal an déidh Sia = quarter after / past a 6
Cairteal an déidh Seachd = quarter after / past a 7
Cairteal an déidh Ochd = quarter after / past a 8
Cairteal an déidh Naoi = quarter after / past a 9
Cairteal an déidh Deich = quater after / past a 10
Cairteal an déidh a h-Aon-diag = quarter after / past a 11
Cairteal an déidh Dà-diag = quarter after / past a 12
Sàmhlach: Quiet (Sò’ach)
Bi sàmhlach!
Bith sàmhlach! = be quiet
Rabaid: Rabbit
Uisg’: Rain
Reith’: Ram
Isean: rascal / wild child
Radan: Rat (Rodan)
Deis: ready
Am bheil thu deis? = are you ready?
Ruadh: red-haired
Deas: right
Taobh deas = right side
Do taobh dheas = your right side
Làmh deas = right hand
Do làmh dheas = your right hand
Abaich: Ripe
Abhainn: River (Au’inn)
Brù-Dhearg, Brù-dhearg: Red Belly / Stomach – Robin
Earb’: Roe Deer / female Roe Deer
Ròcan: Rook (Ròchcan)
Ràt Mhurchais: ainm àite (Racht Mhurachais)
Garbh: Rough (Garu)
Gainmheach: sand (Gain’each)
Sàsar: Saucer
Sàbh: Saw (Sàu)
Abair!: to say / Say!
Abair agu = say at them
Abair sin a-rithist = say that again
Bodach-Ròcais: Man who is crow like / Scarecrow (Bodach-Róchcais)
Muir: sea
Stiurag: Black-Headed Gull
Searmaid: Sermon
Geur: Sharp (Géar)
A’ rùsgadh: Shearing (na caoraich) (A’ rùsg’)
Caor: Sheep
Na Caoraich: the Sheep
Othaisg: Sheep / Hog / fool
Is tusa an othaisg!
‘S tusa ’n othaisg! = you are the sheep / hog / fool!
Dianag: caor leis dà bliadhain d’aois – sheep that is 2 years old
Ruigh’: Shelling
Ruigheachan: Shellings
Bùth: shop, store
A’ suidh’: sitting
Dèan suidh’ = make a seat
Dèan suidh’ ann = make a seat there
Dèan suidh’ leotha = make a seat with them
Na Speuran: the sky / sky (Na Spéaran)
Uiseag: Sky-lark
Sleac: Slab (Sleachc)
Sleamhainn: Slippery (Sleau’ainn)
Bruthaich: Slope
Fàileadh: smell (Fàil’)
Am fàileadh = the smell
Am fàileadh aig lit’ = the smell of porridge
Am fáileadh fuil = the smell of blood
Deathach: Smoke
Smùid: Smoke
Snùsag: Snooze
Sneachd’: Snow
Cuith’: Snow-field (Cuidh’)
Cuith’: Snow-drift (Cuidh’)
Bodach-Sneachd’: Old man of the Snow / Snow Man
Gobhair-Adhair: Snipe (Gou’ar-a’air)
Mac: Son (Machc)
Òran: Song
Goirt: Sore (Goirst)
Seònaid an Òtraich: Seònaid of the Rubbish / Dung Tip no Sparrow
Breabair-Smàgach: Weaver with Paws / Creeping Weaver – Spider
Feòrag: Squirrel
Damh-Ruadh: Red-haired Stag (Dau Ruadh)
Staidhir: Stair
Rionnag: Star
A’ fuireach: Staying
Càit am beil thu a’ fuireach?
Càit am beil th’ a’ fuireach? = where are you staying?
Bioran: Stick – le tein’
Cuir bioran air an tein’ = put a stick on the fire
Cuir bioran air an tein’ gun mhall = put a stick on the fire without delay
Cuir bioran air an tein’ a-nis = put a stick on the fire now
Gamhainn: Stirk (Gau’inn)
Broinn: Stomach
Allt: Big stream
Caochan: Small, little stream
Deis’: Suit of clothes
Samhradh: Summer (Samhr’)
Là na Sàbaid: Day of the Sàbaid / Sabbath
Suipear: Supper (Suichpear)
Milis: Sweet of taste (Meilis)
Bòrd: Table
Eaman: Tail
Gabhail: Take (Go’ail)
A’ gabhail: Taking (a’ go’ail)
Teatha: Tea (Té)
Uamhaidh: Terribly
Chan eil mi uamhaidh math
Chan eil mi h-uamhaidh math = Not me terribly good / I’m not terrible good
Fuathasach: Terribly
Tha e fuathasach fuar
Th’ e fuathasach fuar = it is terribly cold
Taing: Thanks
Taing Mòr ort = Big thanks upon you
Taing Mòr a Dhia = Big thanks dear Dia / God
Tapadh leom: Thanks with me
Tapadh leat: Thanks with you / Thank you (Tachp’ leacht)
Tapadh leis: Thanks with him (Tachp’ leish)
Tapadh leatha: Thanks with her (Tachp’ lé’ah)
Tapadh leinn: Thanks with us
Tapadh leibh: Thanks with yous
Tapadh leotha: Thanks with them
An siud: There (An diud)
An siud ’s an seo: There ’s here / Here ’s there
Iad: They, them (Aid)
Smuaineachadh: To think (Smuaineach’)
A’ smuaineachadh: Thinking
A’ smuaineachadh mu saorsa = thinking about freedom
A’ smuaineachadh mu biadh = thinking about food
A’ smuaineachadh mun óir = thinking about gold
A’ smuaineachadh mun airgead math mòr = thinking about alot of fine money
Smeòrach: Thrush
Cluaran: Thistle
Miol-Mhàgain: Toad
Miol-Mhàgain Droma Bhuidhe:
Miol-Mhàgain an Droma Bhuidhe: Toad with a Yellow Back / Natter-jack Toad
Miol-Mhàgain Choitcheann: Common Toad
Òrdag: Toe
Teangaidh: Tongue
Tuillidh ’s: Too
Tuillidh ’s a chòir = Too much
Tuillidh ’s a cheart = Too right / Too just
Tuillidh ’s a làidir = Too strong
Tuillidh ’s a mòr = Too big
Tubhailt: Towel
Bail’: Town
Dèideag: Toy
Craobh: Tree (Craogh)
Briogais: Trousers
Dhà-riribh: Truly / In earnest
Gu tinn: Un-well / sick (Gu ting)
Tha mi gu tinn = I’m un-well
Tha thu gu tinn = You are un-well
Th’ e gu tinn
Tha e gu tinn = He is un-well
Th’ i gu tinn
Tha i gu tinn = She is un-well
Tha sin gu tinn
Th’ inn gu tinn
Tha inn gu tinn = We are un-well
Tha sibh gu tinn
Th’ ibh gu tinn
Tha ibh gu tinn = Yous are un-well
Tha iad gu tinn = they are un-well
An-àird: Up, up-wards
Chaidh e ’n-àird an rathad
Chaidh e an-àird an rathad = went him up the road
Chaidh iad an-àird a’ mhonaidh = went them up the mountain
Thànaig e ’n-àird an staidhir
Thànaig e an-àird an staidhir = came him up the stairs
Th’ iad an-àird an eaglais
Tha iad an-àird an eaglais = up they are at the church
Breacan Bain-tighearn’: Speckled Bird of the Lady / Grey Wagtail (Breachcan-baintighearn’)
Breac an t-Sìl: Speckled Bird of Showers / Pied Wagtail (Breachc an Dìl)
Breacan-Buidh: Yellow Speckled Bird / Yellow Wagtail (Breachcan-Buidh’)
Coinnspeach: Wasp
Coimhead: To watch (Coimhid)
A’ coimhead: Watching (A’ coimhid)
Bùrn: Water
Am bùrn: the water
Deoch bùrn: drink of water
Nios: Weasel
Gu math: well, fine, good
Tha mi gu math = I’m fine, good
Tha thu gu math = You are fine, good
Tha e gu math = he is fine, good
Tha i gu math = she is fine, good
Tha sinn gu math = we are fine, good
Tha sibh gu math = yous are fine, good
Tha iad gu math = They are fine, good
Gu gast’: well, fine, good
Tha mi gu gast’ = I’m fine, good
Tha thu gu gast’ = You’re fine, good
Tha e gu gast’ = he’s fine, good
Tha i gu gast’ = she’s fine, good
Tha sinn gu gast’ = we are fine, good
Tha sibh gu gast’ = yous are fine, good
Tha iad gu gast’ = they are fine, good
Chaidh: Went (Cha’)
Chaidh iad gun bail’ = went them to town
Chaidh e gun sgoil = went him toward school
Suas: West-wards
Chaidh e suas = went him west / west-wards
Chaidh i suas = went her west
Chaidh iad suas = went them west
Cuibhil: Wheel (Cuidhil)
Dar: When
Dar a bha mi òg = when I was young
Dar a bha thu marbh = when you were dead
Dar a bha e a-muigh thairis nam muir = when he was out across the sea
Dar a bha i ’staigh an sgoil = when she was inside the school
Dar a bha sinn air an rathad suas = when we were on the road west
Dar a bha sibh a-staigh an taigh = when yous were inside the house
Dar a bha iad suas air a’ mhonaidh = when they were west on the mountains
Carson: Why
Carson ’s amadan thu? = Why are you an idiot?
Carson a tha toll na tòine thu? = Why are you an ass-hole / shit-hole you?
Geamhradh: Winter (Geamhr’)
Boireannach: Woman
Reudan: Wood-worm
Clòimh: Wool (air caorach) (Clài)
Tuathal: Wrong
Tha thu tuathal = you are wrong
Tha mi tuathal = I’m wrong
Tha e tuathal = He’s wrong
Tha i tuathal = She’s wrong
Tha sinn tuathal = We’re wrong
Tha sibh tuathal = Yous are wrong
Tha iad tuathal = They are wrong
Dè tha tuathal? = What is wrong?
Dè bha tuathal? = What was wrong?
Dè tha tuathal a-nis? = What is wrong now?
Mèanan: To yawn
A’ mèananaich: Yawning
Falbhas an mèanan bho bheul gu beul mar a dh’fhalbhas an t-eunan bho mheur gu meur = Flits the yawn from mouth gu mouth as the little birds flit from branch to branch.
Sibh: Yous (Sidh)
Am bèar: The grass
Am braoch: The heather
Am bear: The man
Gum baiceadh: That would see / would see
An saoghal: The world
An sabhal: The barn
An Samhradh: the Summer (An Samhr’)
Garu: Rough
Maru: Dead
Taru: Bull
Gun dèanadh: that would do / would do
Fèar: Grass
Rug’ mi = I was born
Rug’ thu = you were born
Rug’ e = he was born
Rug’ i = she was born
Rug’ sinn = we were born
Rug’ sibh = yous were born
Rug’ iad = they were born
Thog’ mi = Raised I was
Thog’ thu = Raised you were
Thog’ e = Raised he was
Thog’ i = Raised she was
Thog’ sinn = Raised we were
Thog’ sibh = Raised yous were
Thog’ iad = Raised they were
A’ bual’: Hitting
A’ gearr’: Cutting
Donnchadh: (Donnch’)
Murchadh: (Murch’)